All Things Credit

Unlock the world of credit! From picking the perfect card to savvy loan management, navigate wisely. Maximise rewards, dodge debt pitfalls, and decode credit scores for a brighter financial future. Explore loans, homes, and ace that credit game with smart tips & tricks!

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Credit Card Story

Navigate India's credit card landscape wisely: Explore diverse card types, that align with your lifestyle. Apply with caution, use cards judiciously to avoid...

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E01: Types of Credit Cards 
04 mins
Explore the diverse range of credit cards available in the financial market. From Cashback, Lifestyle, Shopping, and Entertainment Credit Cards...
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E02: Choosing the Best Credit Card for Your Lifestyle
03 mins
Discovering the ideal credit card involves a thoughtful process. Evaluate your spending habits, aligning them with specialised cards like dining or fuel...
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Loans 101

Understand Loans 101 in India: Uncover diverse loan types, decode essential loan terms, master strategies for managing multiple loans....

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E01: Types of Loans 
03 mins
Loans are categorised into two main types: secured and unsecured. Secured loans, such as home, car, and gold loans, require collateral, offering higher...
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E02: Loan Terms You Must Know
05 mins
Understanding loan terms is crucial before borrowing. Key elements include the loan amount, tenure, and interest rate...
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Personal Loan Story

A comprehensive guide, savvy tips for choosing the best deal, crucial insights before applying, and a seamless application process for financial empowerment...

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E01: Understanding Personal Loans: A Comprehensive Guide for Borrowers
04 mins
Personal loans provide financial flexibility without collateral requirements. Ranging from ₹500 to ₹50 Lakhs, they cater to diverse needs...
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E02: How to Choose the Right Personal Loan: Tips for Getting the Best Deal
03 mins
Selecting the right personal loan involves assessing eligibility criteria, submitting necessary documents, comparing interest rates....
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Loans for Homes

Uncover Home Loans 101 to buy your dream home. Learn about types, navigate fixed vs. floating rates, and discover smart strategies for first-time borrowers...

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E01: Home Loans 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Buying Your Dream Home
04 mins
Home loans offer a pathway to realising your dream home, whether buying, building, or renovating. Types include land purchase, construction, renovation...
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E02: Home Loans & Its Types
04 mins
Home loans come in various types to suit your needs. Popular options include Home Purchase Loans for buying properties, Home Construction Loans for building...
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Credit Score 101

Delve into credit scores: decode jargon, improve your score, and learn from others' mistakes. Understand real-life impacts and build credit while adopting...

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E01: Decoding the Credit Score Jargon: What Do Those Numbers Really Mean?
03 mins
Learn about credit scores like your financial report card, ranging from 300 to 850. Explore key components: payment history...
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E02: The Credit Score Cheat Sheet: Quick Tips for Instant Improvement
03 mins
Discover the key to financial well-being with this credit score cheat sheet. Learn to boost your credit score with actionable tips such as checking your...
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Digital Lending

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E01: Understanding Digital Lending Platforms
02 mins
In the heart of India's digital revolution, the financial landscape undergoes a transformative evolution with the rise of Digital Lending Platforms. These online platforms connect you with lenders through smartphone apps and websites, offering quick and convenient loans.
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E02: Benefits and Risks of Digital Lending
02 mins
Digital lending platforms offer convenience with quick and efficient online applications, making them ideal for urgent financial needs. However, potential risks include higher interest rates and hidden fees.
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Loan Against Property (LAP) allows using property as collateral for a loan. Balance Transfer involves moving an existing loan to another lender for better terms, rates, or repayment conditions.

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E01: Understanding Loan Against Property
03 mins
Loan Against Property (LAP) allows you, a property owner, to leverage your assets as collateral for loans. This is useful for purposes like business expansion or emergencies. The loan amount depends on the property's value and your financial capacity. If repayment fails, the lender can seize the property. LAP accepts residential, commercial, or industrial properties, with associated risks including potential loss of property. It's crucial to understand terms and repayment plans before opting for LAP, ensuring informed financial decisions.
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E02: Types of Properties Accepted for LAP
02 mins
Loan Against Property (LAP) is favourable to both individuals and businesses. The eligibility depends on the property offered as collateral, which falls into three categories: residential, commercial, and industrial. Residential properties like homes and apartments are stable collateral. Commercial properties such as offices and retail spaces are valued based on location and rental income. Industrial properties, including manufacturing units and warehouses, are valued for their utility and infrastructure. LAP offers opportunities for diverse financial needs, from education to business expansion, leveraging the value of owned properties for necessary financing.
Frequently Asked Questions
Pay bills on time, use credit responsibly, and check your credit report regularly to spot errors or fraud.
Income, credit score, property value, and existing debts influence your home loan eligibility. Maintain a good credit history for better chances.
Consider your spending habits, rewards offered, annual fees, and interest rates. Pick a card that aligns with your financial needs and lifestyle.
Yes, a low credit score may lead to loan rejection or higher interest rates. You could improve your score by managing debts and making payments responsibly.
Benefits include quick funds, but risks involve higher interest rates. Borrow responsibly, understand the terms and ensure that it aligns with your financial goals.
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