The Universe of Investments

Explore the investment cosmos! From beginner's guides to sharp-witted strategies, explore India's treasure trove of options. Understand the psychology behind decisions, set goals, craft diversified portfolios, and master fixed deposits. Unlock the power of compound interest for financial prosperity!

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About Investments

Explore the dynamic landscape of investments in India with topics ranging from beginner's guides and psychological aspects to building a diversified...

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E01: Unlocking the Treasure Trove of Investment Options in India
05 mins
The Indian investment market has a wide variety of options such as Fixed Deposits, Mutual Funds, Sovereign Gold Bonds, National Pension Scheme, etc...
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E02: Investing 101: A Beginner's Guide to Building Wealth
04 mins
Your journey towards wealth creation is unique to you. Adopting certain tips and tricks could help take a step closer to your financial dream...
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Fixed Deposits

Discover the stability of Fixed Deposits (FDs): explore types, avoid mistakes, use the ladder strategy, understand tax implications...

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E01: Fixed Deposits Explained: An Age-old Investment Option
03 mins
Fixed Deposits have been a part of the investment universe for quite some time now. It’s an investment option that is safe, reliable...
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E02: Types of Fixed Deposit
03 mins
Various types of Fixed Deposits (FDs) cater to your diverse needs. Standard FDs offer a fixed interest rate over a specified tenure. Tax-saving FDs provide...
Frequently Asked Questions
Long-term investments aim for wealth growth over years, while short-term investments focus on quick returns within a shorter period, usually less than a year.
Fixed deposits involve depositing a lump sum for a fixed tenure, earning fixed interest. They are considered safe and offer stable returns.
Short-term investments carry higher market volatility risks. Price fluctuations and market uncertainties could impact returns, making them riskier compared to long-term investments.
Consider factors like risk tolerance, financial goals, and market trends. Diversify investments and choose options that align with your long-term objectives for optimal results.
Inflation could erode the real value of fixed deposits. To counter this, diversify your investments, explore inflation-linked options, and periodically review and adjust your portfolio.
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