Loan Terms You Must Know

Understanding loan terms is crucial before borrowing. Key elements include the loan amount, tenure, and interest rate. Loan disbursal marks the funds' transfer, and collateral secures the loan with assets. Co-borrowers share responsibility, while co-signers assume liability. Grace periods offer payment flexibility, and processing fees cover administrative costs. The loan-to-value ratio assesses secured loan viability. Pre-payment and part payment options exist but beware of pre-payment penalties. Loan amortisation creates a fixed repayment schedule. Deferment and credit appraisal aid in challenging situations. Hard and soft credit checks impact credit scores. FOIR ensures loan eligibility by assessing disposable income. 

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Key Takeaways

Know the loan terms before borrowing to better understand and manage your loan

Loan amount is the money borrowed from the lender, with each type of loan having a different maximum limit

Loan tenure is the period between loan disbursement and the final EMI payment

Interest rate is the cost charged by lenders for borrowing money

Loan disbursal occurs when the approved loan amount is credited to your account

Collateral is an asset offered as security in unsecured loans, subject to seizure if the loan is not repaid

A co-borrower shares ownership and liability, impacting loan eligibility based on credit and income information

A co-signer assumes legal responsibility for loan repayment if the borrower defaults

Grace periods provide a temporary exemption from loan payments, common in student loans

Processing fees cover administrative charges incurred by lenders during loan processing

Loan to value ratio determines the maximum loan amount based on the market value of collateral in secured loans

Loan amortisation involves creating a fixed repayment schedule to calculate principal and interest payments in each instalment

Frequently Asked Questions
The loan-to-value ratio determines the maximum loan amount based on the market value of your collateral, ensuring a secured lending process.
Pre-payment allows you to pay off your loan before its tenure ends, potentially saving on interest payments and reducing the overall loan amount.
A co-borrower shares ownership and liability, while a co-signer is legally responsible for repayment if the borrower cannot pay off the loan.
Loan deferment provides a grace period for repayment in challenging circumstances. Eligibility is determined by the lender based on financial crisis documentation.
FOIR calculates your disposable income by considering monthly expenses. It helps financial institutions assess if you can repay loans, ensuring responsible lending practices.
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