Investing 101: A Beginner's Guide to Building Wealth

Your journey towards wealth creation is unique to you. Adopting certain tips and tricks could help take a step closer to your financial dream. Tips such as setting clear financial goals, creating a budget, leveraging tax benefits, avoiding impulse expenditure, reviewing, etc. could steadily help build wealth. The key is to stay the course and not be disheartened by setbacks that may come your way.

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Key Takeaways

Define your financial objectives to help motivate yourself to save and invest in a wise manner

Create a budget to track your expenses and identify where you can cut back and save

Save consistently and set automated transfers to your savings account to maintain regularity

Maintain an emergency fund to act as a cushion when unexpected expenses come up

Make use of the tax benefits and substantially minimise your tax liability 

Educate yourself on all the latest financial trends to stay informed 

Wealth creation takes patience, hence don’t get hasty and fall into get-rich-quick schemes

Take calculated risks and invest in ventures that cater to your financial goals

Begin saving for your retirement well in advance to avoid any last-minute panic

Review your goals and adjust your strategies on a periodical basis

Frequently Asked Questions
Create a budget and check if you can cut back on any unimportant expenses. Dedicate such savings into investing. Set a daily limit of how much you can spend and try to save whatever you can manage comfortably without affecting your other expenses.
Focus on paying off high-interest debt such as credit card dues first. Failing to pay them off on time can hinder your efforts towards building wealth. Clearing your debts at the earliest could help you free up some money that you can direct into investing.
Long-term options such Public Provident Fund (PPF), Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP) and Employee Provident Fund (EPF) could help you plan your retirement.
Although impulse spending can provide instant gratification, it can hamper your wealth-building efforts. Therefore, it is wise to ask yourself if the commodity you wish to own is a need or a want. Think about the long-term affect that such an expense can have on your financial goals.
Ideally, it is recommended that you have at least three to six months’ salary set aside in your emergency fund. This acts as a safety net during unexpected crises and helps you avoid dipping into your investments during such times.
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