How to Use Credit Cards Wisely & Avoid Debt

Prudent credit card management is essential for financial stability. When using credit cards for assistance, repayments should exceed the minimum to avoid extra charges. Maintaining a 30% credit utilisation ratio involves preventing balance rollover. Timely automated payments prevent late fees, and regular statement reviews detect fraud. Reserve high-interest cash advances for emergencies. Avoid exceeding your credit limit to prevent payment challenges and a decline in your credit score. Opt for upgrades over cancellations to preserve a positive credit history. Meticulous record-keeping across multiple cards ensures timely payments, preventing overages and thereby shielding you against the risk of crippling debt.

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Key Takeaways

Repay more than the minimum amount due to clear outstanding balances promptly and avoid unnecessary charges

Avoid carrying a balance to the next month to maintain a healthy credit utilisation ratio below 30%

Never miss credit card payments; opt for automated payments to prevent late fees

Regularly review your credit card statements to catch and report fraudulent activities promptly

Use cash advances only in extreme emergencies due to their higher interest rates and fees

Avoid exceeding your credit limit to prevent challenges in repayment and potential credit score decline

Instead of cancelling a credit card, consider upgrading to benefit from new features without negatively impacting your credit score 

Frequently Asked Questions
By paying more, you clear the outstanding balance faster, preventing the accumulation of high-interest charges over time.
A lower credit utilisation ratio reflects responsible credit usage, positively impacting your credit score and overall financial health.
Cash advances incur higher interest rates and immediate fees, leading to increased debt. They should only be used in extreme emergencies.
Upgrading preserves your credit history, maintaining a positive impact on your credit score, while providing access to new card features.
Regular reviews help detect unauthorised transactions early, allowing prompt reporting to authorities and minimising the potential impact of fraudulent activities.
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