Income Tax Slabs 2023-24

The term "income tax slab" refers to income brackets dictating the amount of tax owed based on earnings. Introduced for equitable taxation, the slabs may change annually. Currently, two regimes exist: old and new. For non-senior citizens in the old regime, taxes range from 0% to 30%. Senior citizens and super senior citizens have distinct slabs. The new regime has fixed slabs for all, with rates from 0% to 30%, independent of age. Staying informed about these slabs is crucial for tax compliance. Understanding them ensures you fulfil your financial responsibilities accurately and contribute to a fair taxation system.

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Key Takeaways

Income tax slabs determine the amount of tax you pay based on your income, with higher incomes incurring higher taxes

The slabs may vary annually and depend on the tax regime - old or new - each with its own set of brackets

In the old tax regime, non-senior citizens with income up to ₹2.5 Lakhs may not be liable to pay tax. On the other hand, senior and super senior citizens have different thresholds

Under the new tax regime, taxes are uniform for all age groups. Rates range from 0% for incomes up to ₹3 Lakhs to 30% for incomes above ₹15 Lakhs

Tax slabs aim to maintain fair taxation laws in the country and may change based on budget announcements

Understanding the applicable tax slab is crucial when filing income tax returns

Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, tax slabs may change annually based on budget announcements. It's essential to stay updated on any alterations in the income tax structure.
Yes, individuals with an annual income of up to ₹2.5 Lakhs are exempt from income tax in the old regime, and up to ₹3 Lakhs in the new regime.
The new regime simplifies tax slabs, offering a uniform structure for all taxpayers, eliminating age-based distinctions present in the old tax regime.
The old and new tax regimes offer different structures. The choice between them depends on individual preferences, allowing flexibility in tax planning and payment.
Income tax slabs directly influence the amount of tax you pay. As your income increases, the applicable tax rate rises, determining your overall tax liability.
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