Strategies for Managing Multiple Loans

While managing multiple loans, prioritise keeping debt below 40% of disposable income. Timely repayments are crucial to maintain a good credit score and avoid penalties. Prioritise paying off high-interest loans first, using surplus income wisely. Consider loan balance transfers for reduced interest costs. Monitor expenses closely, cutting down on non-essentials. Mindful debt repayment, utilising tools like Loan EMI calculators, ensures financial stability. Plan strategically for optimal outcomes in your loan management journey.

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Key Takeaways

Keep your total EMIs below 40% of your disposable income to avoid financial strain

Ensure on-time loan repayments to maintain a good credit score and avoid penalty charges

Focus on paying off high-interest loans first to ease the overall debt repayment process

Explore transferring high-interest loan balances to reduce overall repayment costs

Review and categorise expenses as essential and non-essential, cutting down on unnecessary spending

Develop a mindful debt repayment strategy, using tools like a Loan EMI calculator, for better financial outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions
Aim to keep loan EMIs below 40% of your disposable income to avoid financial strain.
Late payments impact credit scores and may incur penalties. Timely repayment is essential for financial health.
Start by repaying high-interest loans first. Focus on one loan at a time to streamline the repayment process.
Yes, if you have a high-interest loan, transferring the balance to a lower-interest loan can reduce overall repayment costs.
Monitor expenses closely, differentiate between essential and non-essential spending, and adjust your budget accordingly for effective debt management.
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